Rhea Marine, Open range

Open Range

The looks and elegance of a classic, traditional boat with the sea keeping and comforts of modern design.  Each model has a high freeboard and walkaround deck making them ideal for days out or the occasional night away.  The V shaped hull ensures the Open range cruises with power and stability.  The open range covers outboard and inboard power options.

23 Open

The Rhea Open 23 is a perfect day boat with secure walkaround deck to enjoy a quiet and pleasant boat ride, or a sporty top speed blast

Open Range, 23Rhea Open 23

27 Open

The elegance and comfort of the Rhéa 27 Open set it apart from other boats in its class. You will appreciate how easy it is to handle thanks to its high-performance hull, flared bow and tumblehome stern.

Rhéa 27 Open, Rhea Marine, 27 Open

27 Open Escapade

This safe, enjoyable and comfortable motor yacht has reassuringly high bulwarks. Her hull can achieve a flattering speed whilst maintaining unparalleled handling and seaworthiness

Rhéa 27 Open EscapadeRhea Marine, 27 Open Escapade

32 HB Open

Whilst retaining the classic look, the 32 Open offers you the dream combination of Med style outdoor space with spacious comfortable accommodation for four below deck.  Still with the high freeboard and dependable seakeeping, the 32 Open will impress.

Rhéa Marine, 32 Open32 HB Open

35 Open

This large Open boat is inspired by classic lines. Its flared bow, tumblehome stern and planing hull make for outstanding performance.

35 Open, Rhea Marine35 Open, flared bow